Score: 98
Bottled 08/18/11. Served in a Kentucky bourbon ale snifter and enjoyed on 06/20/12.
Appearance: Pours an opaque pale honey color. Good lacing and retention. Pours a thick fizzy white ring around the glass. 4/5
Smell: Lots of sweet apricot mixed with pear, tangerine and sweet citrus. Nice lemon backbone to the nose, a little sweet vinegar too. No real funk in the nose, which is how I like my sours, though there is a touch of "plastic." The sweet citrus becomes a little more vibrant as the beer warms and opens up. 4.75/5
Taste: Tons of tart apricot and peach and lemon zest. A little pear flavor to boot with the tart citrus. There is just a hint of funk on the midpalate, leaving me to wonder what additional complexities this beer develops with age. I am still learning to appreciate sours and learning how to pin down their complexities, so I am sitting here wishing I knew how to better describe this beer drinking experience to no avail. Suffice it to say that I am greatly enjoying this brew. 5/5
Mouthfeel: Light-plus mouthfeel, light-plus carbonation. Tartly sweet and mildly dry on the palate, but no huge pucker effect here -- certainly less than the Classic Gueuze from Cantillon. 5/5
Overall: One of the best non-IPA/non-stout beers that I have ever had the pleasure to enjoy. If this beer was cheaper and more readily available, I would likely have a case-plus of this stuff in my cellar. Cantillon is slowly turning me on to the world of lambics, gueuzes, and other "sours."
Recommendation: Seek this world class lambic out; it will not disappoint.
Pairings: Lemon poppy seed muffins.
Cost: $35 for a 750 ml bottle (bar prices).
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