Monday, December 24, 2012

Beer Review: Furniture City Stock Ale

Reviewing the Furniture City Stock Ale from Founders Brewing Company out of Grand Rapids, Michigan. This beer was brewed in celebration of the Grand Rapids Public Museum's historic beer exhibit in the fall of 2012.
Score: 75

Fall 2011 vintage bottle served in a Kate The Great snifter and enjoyed on 12/14/12. Big thanks to Shawn for the hook up!

Appearance: Pours a dark, clean amber color with a finger of off-white head that settles to a thin layer atop the glass. Awesome lacing and retention. 5/5

Smell: Stale hops, lots of malt and nutty caramel malt. Toasted barley grain and cocoa. Faint brown sugar too. 3.5/5

Taste: Very malty, though that is to be expected based on what Founders was going for. Carmel malt, and barley grain. Some nuttiness too. Faint roastiness. Where's the cocoa from the nose? 3/5

Mouthfeel: Medium-plus bodied, minimal carbonation. Despite the viscosity, this beer feels watery on the palate. Malty, but not really sweet. 2.5/5

Overall: Drinkable, but not good. Not bad, but nothing special.

Recommendation: It was nice to tick this beer, but it was not worth hunting down.

Pairings: Hershey's chocolate bar.

Cost: $6.99 for a 750 ml bottle.

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