Monday, February 18, 2013

Beer Review: Bully Guppy

Reviewing the Bully Guppy from Three Floyds Brewing Company out of Munster, Indiana. This beer is barrel aged Gumball Head.
Score: 10

Fall 2012 vintage bottle served in a small snifter glass and consumed as part of a tasting held on 11/16/12.  Even 1-2 oz pours of this was way too much.

Appearance: Pours a golden apricot color. The head is a white-ish color. Too small a pour to say much about the head/lacing/retention outside of the color. 3.5/5

Smell: Vanilla cake, nail polish, wheat and window cleaner. 1.5/5

Taste: Straight up tastes like acetone and Windex with a hint of peach. Gag reflex kicked in immediately after sipping. 1/5

Mouthfeel: Light bodied, low carbonation, light alcohol. 1/5

Overall: Quite possibly the worst beer I have ever had the displeasure of consuming.

Recommendation: Avoid this beer like the plague.

Pairing: The kitchen sink.

Cost: $20 for a 750 ml bottle.

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