Monday, March 18, 2013

Beer Review: Haymarket's Second Anniversary Blend

Reviewing Haymarket's Second Anniversary Blend from Haymarket Pub & Brewery out of Chicago, Illinois. This strong ale is a mix of several of the beers that were on tap. The second anniversary blend is the one on the far left.
Score: 89

4 oz sample served in a taster glass and enjoyed at Haymarket's 2nd Anniversary Party on 01/12/12. Review is from iPhone notes.

Appearance: Dark brown in color. Serve with a ring around the glass of tan head. 4/5

Smell: Sweet and malty nose. Bourbon and vanilla dominate with a little berry sweetness. Bakers chocolate is present too. 4/5

Taste: It is also a little more berry heavy and less sweet. I do not think the taste quite follows the nose. Vanilla and berry dominate the flavor. Oak, raisin, and chocolate too. Some dark fruit as well. 4/5

Mouthfeel: Thinner than expected. Medium bodied, low carbonation. A little bit sweet, but not as sweet as the Acrimonious. 3.5/5

Overall: This beer would be better if it had thicker mouthfeel. Still pretty tasty.

Recommendation: Worth the cost of a pint; give it a whirl if you see it around!

Cost: $2 for a 4 oz pour or $6 for a 12 oz pour.

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