Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Beer Review: Bean Gene

Reviewing the Bean Gene from Revolution Brewing Company out of Chicago, Illinois. This is the barrel aged version of their Eugene porter with coffee beans added.

Score: 91

February 2013 vintage bottle served in a Perennial snifter-tulip hybrid glass and enjoyed on 05/23/13.

Appearance: Pours an inky black color with a finger of tan head that settles to a ring around the glass and foggy cap. Very good lacing, amazing lacing. 5/5

Smell: Oaky vanilla, coffee grounds, brown sugar and bourbon. A light amount of raisins and plums, some licorice and chocolate notes too. 4.25/5

Taste: The coffee is the first and last flavor I get, which is a little surprisingly given how much more subtle the coffee was when I had this on tap at the release. Oaky vanilla throughout as well. Bourbon flavor without the bite and cocoa too. The bourbon flavor grows and takes over as the beer warms up. Honestly, it tastes just like it smells. A little roast present too. The brew gets sweeter as the bourbon flavors (brown sugar, caramel, sweet vanilla and licorice) take over -- and causes me to downgrade the rating slightly due to the decreased complexity and drinkability. 4/5

Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, low carbonation. More viscosity would be nice, but this is a porter base that has spent time in barrels and the level of viscocity is not bad. Slick, slightly creamy mouthfeel with a light dryness to the finish. Sweet. 4/5

Overall: One of Rev Brew's better, but not their best, barrel aged projects. I think with a little fine tuning, there is room for growth with this beer. The coffee element could use some tweaking to enhance the roastiness and counterbalancing bitterness elements, a la Coffee Eugene. Frankly, the barrel treatment eliminates a lot of the base beer's qualities, and the bourbon character is what really shines here outside the coffee flavor. I am not the world's biggest fan of the base, but Eugene is a solid porter. Can't wait to try the next batch!

Cost: $18.99 for a 22 oz (bomber) bottle.

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