Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Beer Review: Aww Jeah

Reviewing the Aww Jeah from Short's Brewing Company out of Bellaire, Michigan.

Score: 90

Bottle code "1193C21658." Served in a generic snifter glass and enjoyed on 08/19/13.

Appearance: Pours an orange copper with a half finger of off-white head that settles to a thin ring around the glass. Good lacing and retention. 4/5

Smell: Caramel malt, honey and fruity/grassy hops. A little spiciness too. As it warms, some tropical citrus comes through, but it is not juicy-fresh. 4/5

Taste: Bready malt, caramel malt, grapefruit, and floral hop flavor. Bitter grassiness towards the finish with a residual bitterness that lingers nicely. The hoppiness has a little dirty spiciness to it too, but this character is not very prominent. As this beer warms and layers, it becomes palate wreckingly bitter/hoppy. 4/5

Mouthfeel: Very light in body for an imperial IPA, low carbonation. The bitterness really sits and layers on the tongue, slightly singeing while the brew sits on the palate. 4/5

Overall: A total hop bomb palate killer. Nothing special, but well done. Cheers.

Cost: $15 for a six pack.

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