Score: 100
No bottle date, but this once was received via trade on 04/05/12 and purchased towards the end of March. Served in a Half Acre tulip and enjoyed on 04/09/12.
Appearance: Pours a slightly hazy and pretty translucent golden orange color. Three fingers of off-white soapy head at pour slowly settles into a thin bubbly layer. Excellent lacing, good retention. 5/5
Smell: Tons of mango, pineapple and bright tropical citrus upfront. Peach, apricot, and lots of fresh, sweet grapefruit. A modest dose of pine. There's a sugary/candied tropical fruit aroma to this. 5/5
Taste: Fresh, sweet and sticky tropical citrus upfront quickly followed by a strongly bitter hops oil flavor on the midpalate and in the finish. Grapefruit, pineapple juice, peach and mango. A little bit of pulpy orange as the beer layers. There's a really nice piney hop kick in the finish. This beer takes you to the extreme of sweet and juicy citrus IPA flavor and reels you back with a deliciously bitter hop bite. Gets even better and more balanced as the beer layers. 5/5
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, medium-plus carbonation that simultaneously perks the hops on the palate and lets the bitterness sit heavy. Really nice and oily mouthfeel. Dry, bitter finish. 5/5
Overall: Pitch perfect DIPA. Loads of juicy tropical citrus and bitter pine balance to boot. This one smells and tastes just as good as Abrasive Ale.
Recommendation: Seek this beer out. Assuming you like IPA's, this is one of the absolute best in the style that you will ever have the opportunity to try.
Pairings: Goose Island's "Black Earth Burger" would be perfect with this.
Cost: $10 for a 22 oz (bomber) bottle that really looks like a 750 ml.
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