Score: 92
Bottle #223/400, 2012 vintage. Served in a snifter glass and enjoyed on 06/23/12. A big thanks to Moe for cracking this one at the inaugural Chicago craft beer lovers meeting.
Appearance: Pours a dark brown color with a slight reddish tint. Pours a thick ring around the glass of tan bubbly head. No real lacing. 4/5
Smell: A nice medley of cherry, oak, brown sugar and whiskey-esque caramel malt. 4.25/5
Taste: Same flavors as the nose implied, but with more whiskey in the balance: whiskey-caramel, oak and cherry. There is a mild musty hoppiness on the front/middle of the tongue. There is a little chocolate flavor too, but it's pretty subtle in my opinion. This beer has a completely different flavor profile than regular Alpha Klaus. 4.25/5
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, medium-minus carbonation. Mildly malty-sweet. Dry mouthfeel. 4/5
Overall: A nice, albeit expensive barrel treatment. This one is a different beast altogether from the base beer (Alpha Klaus). Though tasty, with a bottle count of 400 and price tag of $30, you're better off hunting down a Fruet.
Recommendation: Worth trying, but not worth going out of your way to hunt down. There are plenty of better beers that cost more than $20 out there if you really want to drop that much on a single beer.
Pairings: Flank steak.
Cost: $30 for a 750 ml bottle.
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