Score: 88
Tap pour served in a 10 oz glass at the Three Floyds Brewery and enjoyed on 12/28/12. Review is from iPhone notes.
Appearance: Deep brown color. Served with thin layer of khaki tan head that settles to a ring around the glass. Average lacing, above average retention. 3.5/5
Smell: Smells like a brown sugar infused IPA. Piney hops, brown sugar, and non-descript tropical citrus. There is a faint hint of bourbon, but not much barrel characteristic present at all. 4/5
Taste: Are we sure this is a stout and not a black IPA? malty brown sugar and grassy, tropical citrus hops. Very hoppy. Hint of cocoa. No booziness. Mildly sweet. Virtually no barrel characteristic present. 4/5
Mouthfeel: Medium-full bodied, low carbonation. Sticky, malty and hoppy. 3.5/5
Overall: Outside of their variants for Moloko and Dark Lord, I have been very disappointed by Three Floyds' barrel program.
Recommendation: Worth drinking, but not worth going out of your way to try. This beer is overpriced for what it is, and for what you can get (even at a bar, even in Chicago) for $8, in my opinion.
Pairings: Hamburgers.
Cost: $8 for a 10 oz glass.
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