Score: 93
2010 bottle poured in a snifter glass.
Appearance: Black used motor oil color, pours with a finger of brown frothy head that settles into a thin lacing on the surface of the beer. Looks very oily, dense, completely opaque. Slightly below average lacing, which is to be expected from a 10% ABV beer. 4.5/5
Smell: Bitter chocolate and earthy hop aromas. Some raisins, light cherries, a little vanilla. Some booziness. 3.5/5
Taste: A little alcohol burn at the front, but super creamy bittersweet chocolate on the mid-palate. Some coffee beans, hints of dark fruit and oaky vanilla. This one is pretty complex. Finishes with super bitter chocolate that lingers quite some time. 4.5/5
Mouthfeel: Full bodied, oily, with minimal carbonation. Finish is very dry. 4.5/5
Overall: A little less balanced than some Russian Imperial Stouts, but overall very flavorful and complex. I love beers than linger, and this one sticks around awhile. The beer is brewed by the guy who wrote one of my favorite books (The Brewmaster's Table). This one is a heavy meal in and of itself.
Recommendation: I would highly recommend this beer to more seasoned drinkers, but casual drinkers looking to get into good beer might not want to start with this one
Pairings: Seedless red grapes and the dark meat of turkey. Smoked meat would work wonders with this one.
Cost: $7.99 for a four pack.
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