Friday, November 25, 2011

Beer Review: Nosferatu

Reviewing the Nosferatu from Great Lakes Brewing Company.
Score: 89

Tap pour in a tulip glass.

Appearance: Pours two fingers of frothy foam head out of the tap. Deep amber color. Body falls between opaque and translucent. Average lacing. 4/5

Smell: Grains and spices. Toasted bread -- Ilana (my girlfriend) claims it smells like Irish soda bread. A little cologne alcohol as well. Sweet maltiness, slightly floral and earthy too. 4/5

Taste: Floral, earthy bitterness. Some grain, caramel-malt sweetness. Finishes very dry and hoppy. 4/5

Mouthfeel: Full bodied, medium carbonation. Finishes surprisingly dry given the malty-sweetness of the beer on the mid-palate. 3.5/5

Overall: A little aggressive on the hoppy flavors (something I always personally enjoy), but an overall delicious brew. 8.0% ABV entirely hidden. This is not one a beer you can drink a whole lot of in one sitting. A great sipper, however!

Recommendation: Hop-lovers will certainly enjoy this one, but casual beer drinkers may want to explore other options first.

Pairings: Bread and earthy cheeses.

Cost: $7 for a tulip glass, $10.99 for a four pack.