the Cucumber Saison from Cigar City Brewing out of Tampa, Florida.
Score: 86
vintage bottle served in a plastic wine goblet and enjoyed on 07/29/12. Review is from iPhone
notes I jotted down at my birthday bottle share.
Appearance: Pours three fingers of white, soapy head atop a cloudy, dull
golden-wheat colored body. Good lacing and retention. Looks a lot like you’d
expect a saison to look. 4/5
Smell: Totally cucumber forward. Cucumber water, light wheat and yeast. 3.75/5
Taste: Cucumber waiter with a light funk and straw/grain flavor. Simple and
straightforward. 3.5/5
Mouthfeel: Light-plus bodied, medium carbonation. Smooth mouthfeel, somewhat dry
on the finish. 3.5/5
Pairings: A very basic salad.
Cost: $10 for a 750 ml bottle.
I'm pretty sure I disliked it.