Sunday, April 8, 2012

Beer Review: 75 Minute IPA

Reviewing the 75 Minute IPA from Dogfish Head Craft Brewery. DFH bills this as a blend of the 60 Minute and 90 Minute IPA's with maple syrup added. The artwork is awesome, and, courtesy of n00b BIF, I have a 75 Minute IPA shirt that I got to enjoy this beer while wearing.
Score: 81

Bottle is dated "2012B" (2012 vintage). Served in a stemmed Hill Farmstead snifter and enjoyed on 04/04/12.

Appearance: Pours four fingers of titanic, white soapy head. Noticeable effervescence on the body, which is a dull orange/yellow color and translucent (the color is washed out a bit by the flash from the iPhone -- sorry). Good lacing, below average retention. 3.5/5

Smell: Caramel and toffee upfront. Lemon, musty orange, wood, stale apricot, grass, bitter grains and flat hops. There's nothing very inviting going on here. Where is the maple? 3/5

Taste: Grains, grass and a little brown sugar. None of the added maple is in the flavor either. Spicy hops, stale citrus and a touch of peppercorn. Lots of malt here -- primarily caramel and toffee flavored ones mixed with the bitter grain. I wish I did quarter step reviews, because this beer is getting a real soft 3.5 out of 5. 3.5/5

Mouthfeel: Medium-light bodied, medium high carbonation. Honestly, a bit over-carbonated for what it is. Oily mouthfeel. Bitter finish. A bit too acidic. 3.5/5

Overall: A decent and drinkable beer, but it falls far short of the hype. Stick to the 90 Minute.

Recommendation: Not worth running around town and dropping $10+ a bottle.

Pairings: Dogfish Head recommends avocado and hamburgers, comparing this beer to a Chardonnay. That seems fair.

Cost: $9.99 for a 750 ml bottle.

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