Score: 89
Bottled 11/10/11, served in a Three Floyd's teku glass and enjoyed on 01/19/12.
Appearance: Pours a jet black color with a finger of creamy khaki head that settles to a ring around the glass and a thin floating island of head in the middle. Amazing lacing and retention. 5/5
Smell: Roasted chocolate, chocolate malt, a touch of sweet caramel, a little leather, and a light amount of vanilla. Some unsweetened fudge too. Very very light amount of grain. 4/5
Taste: Fudgey chocolate and a subtle smooth, unsweetened vanilla flavor upfront transitions to chocolate malt and a light amount of grain in the finish. Nice chocolatey aftertaste. 4/5
Mouthfeel: Lighter side of medium bodied, light carbonation. I realize this is a non-imperial stout, but it still feels a bit thin on the palate. Watery, slightly creamy mouthfeel. Dry and chocolatey finish that is ever so slightly sweet. 3/5
Overall: A really nice chocolate flavored beer -- surprisingly so given the anti-hype behind this one -- that is not going to get you blitzed, but falls flat on the thin mouthfeel.
Recommendation: I would certainly drink this one again, but I am not going to go too far out of my way to hunt it down again.
Pairings: Gouda cheese or brie.
Cost: $6.99 for a 16.9 oz bottle.
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