Score: 92
No bottle date, but received in a trade in March 2012. Served in a Surly Darkness snifter and enjoyed on 06/03/12 with Robbie Moy.
Appearance: Pours a completely opaque jet black color. One finger of creamy light brown head at pour that settles to a ring around the glass and thin layer across the top of the glass. Average lacing, good retention. 4/5
Smell: Coffee, chocolate and maple. Hint of sweet cherry, touch of wood. Growing amount of wood in the nose as it warms. 4.25/5
Taste: Milk chocolate and cherry upfront with a residual coffee aftertaste. Unsweetened chocolate. Subtle sweet maple backbone, but nothing too prominent. A very light amount of dark fruit flavor too. More wood flavor and more sweetness as it warms. 4/5
Mouthfeel: Medium-full bodied, minimal carbonation. Watered down syrup mouthfeel. Sweet finish. 4/5
Overall: A delicious beer that I would absolutely buy again if it were readily available on the shelves, but it's not worth the cost of hard-to-get and quasi-rare beer it takes to land given the quantities made available and general demand for Lawson's beers.
Recommendation: Seek this one out if you get the chance, but do not give up your Surly Darknesses for a bottle.
Pairings: Roasted pineapple coated in brown sugar.
Cost: $10 for a 22 oz (bomber) bottle.
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