Score: 80
Can code is "1 10 20 A2BM." Served in a Half Acre tulip and enjoyed 06/03/12.
Appearance: Pours an opaque yellow color with a slight orange hue. A thin bubbly layer of white head at pour settles to a pencil thin ring around the glass. Below average lacing, average retention. 2/5
Smell: Yeasty orange, clove, banana and ample coriander. A little fruitiness, lemon and grapefruit. 3/5
Taste: More hefeweizen-like in flavor than expected. Banana-yeast flavor upfront with modestly fruity midpalate. Ample coriander throughout and in the aftertaste. Light yeast flavor too. 3.25/5
Mouthfeel: Light bodied, medium carbonation. Juicy mouthfeel. Slightly bitter and malty finish. 3.5/5
Overall: A decent beer for the dog days of summer, but that's about the only nice thing I can really say about it.
Recommendation: I probably wouldn't say no if offered one at a BBQ, but I wouldn't seek this one out.
Pairings: Feta and walnut salad.
Cost: $10.99 for a six pack of 12 oz cans.
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