Score: 85
Unknown vintage can purchased at a Binny's in Chicago this past weekend. Ceremoniously served in a Half Acre tulip and enjoyed on 03/12/12.
Appearance: Pours a golden honey color that falls between translucent and transparent with a noticeable effervescent appearance. Four and a half fingers of super soapy white head at pours settles, like dish soap, into a healthy clump of foam in the center of the glass and bubbly ring around the glass with soapy residue along the sides of the glass. Save for the soapy residue left behind from the settled pour, however, this beer has minimal lacing, but above average retention. 4/5
Smell: Grapefruit citrus, pineapple, lemon zest, orange juice, grassy hops and dandelions. Fluffy, floral hops, a modest amount of pine and tropical fruit. A little pine sap and bready malt as it warms. 4.5/5
Taste: Bready malt, some juicy caramel, lemon grass, watered down grapefruit and orange juice, and tons of piney/grassy hops. No real midpalate flavor at all. Finishes with a slightly grainy hops flavor. Quite crisp and refreshing. 3.5/5
Mouthfeel: Light bodied, medium-plus carbonation. Oily mouthfeel. Modestly bitter finish. 3.5/5
Overall: Refreshing and sessionable, but overrated. A great beer to cool off on a hot summer day, but this one does not hold a candle to Sierra Nevada in terms of flavor.
Recommendation: Certainly check this brew out while in Chicago, but don't bother breaking your back to get a couple of cans.
Pairings: Greek salad.
Cost: $9.99 for a four pack.
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