Score: 94
Bottle date is 02/xx/12. The "xx" kind of looks like an "06," but is too poorly printed to tell for sure. Served in a Stella Artois chalice and enjoyed on 03/26/12.
Appearance: Pours a deep and translucent mahogany with three fingers of tan sea-foam head that turns soapy while it slowly settles, ultimately turning into a thin creamy layer. Amazing lacing, superior retention. 5/5
Smell: Citrus, grapefruit, lemon, toffee, nuttiness, honey graham cracker and a little caramel. Smells like a hoppy, nutty amber ale. 4/5
Taste: Bready malt, pecan, walnut and lemony/grapefruity hops. Light toffee and caramel on the midpalate. Finishes with that buttery walnut and pecan flavor and modest lemon. This is quite different from any red ale that I have ever had before. 4.5/5
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, medium-high carbonation. Buttery mouthfeel. Slightly malty, slightly bitter finish. 4/5
Overall: A unique variation of the style, warmly received. I am usually not a fan of amber ales, but I really enjoyed this one. I would certainly buy and drink this again. Thank you Jason for hooking me up with this one!
Recommendation: Seek this one out, especially if you like amber ales. I could see this one being quite enjoyable for casual beer drinkers.
Pairings: Reuben sandwich or swiss-and-almond cheese spread.
Cost: $6.99 for a 16.9 oz bottle.
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