Score: 93
Bottle number 219/454 from the brewpub release in February 2012 release. Served in a Delirium Tremens balloon glass and enjoyed on 05/11/12. Review is from iPhone notes.
Appearance: Pours a murky caramel color with a thin layer of tan bubbly head at pour. Minimal lacing and retention. 4/5
Smell: Brown sugar, lemon sugar cookie, and caramel. A little oak and smooth bourbon. The aroma is wheat wine-esque. Grassy hops. Light fig. Pineapple and butterscotch. Burnt sugar. 4.25/5
Taste: Bitter and grassy lemon citrus hops, brown sugar, toffee and caramel. A little fig and dark fruit sweetness. More caramel and bourbon as it warms. There is a modest wood flavor too. The flavor is a step down from aroma initially, but it gets better as it warms. Well balanced with a light booziness to let you know this beer means business. Lingering lemongrass and fig flavor. 4.25/5
Mouthfeel: Full-medium bodied, low carbonation. Creamy mouthfeel. The finish is a touch sweet. 4.5/5
Overall: A really solid barrel aged American-style barleywine. I was skeptical as to what barrel aging would do to such a hoppy beer, but this one turned out quite well. The beer struck a nice balance between the sweetness from the barrel aging and the bitter grassy citrus from the base beer.
Recommendation: This is a beer worth seeking out, but, like Baller Stout, it's not really worth the $30 price tag.
Pairings: Morel chive cheese (sold at Hy-Vee).
Cost: $30 for a 750 ml bottle.
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