Score: 89
This beer was released in the middle of July 2010 if memory served, but the bottom half of the bottle stamp is missing. It looks like the date is from June, August or September. My best guess is June 2010. Served in a Kate the Great snifter and enjoyed on 06/03/12 with Robbie Moy.
Appearance: Pours a jet black color with a ruby highlight in the upper center body of the beer. One finger of creamy tan head at pour quickly settles to a ring around the glass. Amazing lacing and retention. 5/5
Smell: Creamy caramel, vanilla, malt and a little chocolate. A touch of earthy citrus, though most of the hops have faded. A bit of woody bourbon, toffee and fig. 4.25/5
Taste: Woody caramel malt and a bit of bitter stale hops. A touch of bakers chocolate, and a little bit of blackberry. A touch of mustiness. Nutty caramel aftertaste. 3.75/5
Mouthfeel: Full bodied, minimal carbonation. Syrupy mouthfeel. Modestly sweet and malty finish. 4/5
Overall: I personally think this beer peaked about six months ago when I had it in January 2012. Crack yours sooner than later, as this one is probably on the decline.
Recommendation: Probably not worth seeking out because this beer is on the decline, but still a tasty beer to try.
Pairings: Tootsie Rolls.
Cost: $17.99 for a six pack.
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