Score: 91
This bottle is from the March 23, 2012 release. Served in a Half Acre tulip and enjoyed on 05/02/12. Per Steven, this was stored in a fridge with set to a low/mid-30's temperature to help preserve its freshness.
Appearance: Pours a real nice golden orange color with two-plus fingers of foamy off-white head that slowly settles into a thin layer atop the glass. Very dense looking, and on the opaque side of translucent. Average lacing, good retention. 4/5
Smell: Lots of fresh tropical citrus in the nose. Pineapple, grapefruit, peach, mango, hoppy orange, lemon zest, and sweet-and-sour lemonade. Piney hops and fresh grass clipping. Incredible DIPA aroma. 4.5/5
Taste: You can tell the hops have fallen off a bit in the beer, but it still tastes good. Sweet tropical citrus upfront, counterbalanced by grassiness on back end. Upfront is zesty sweet-and-sour lemon, candied grapefruit, bitter orange rind, and pineapple juice. The back half is plenty juicy citrus as well, and mildly bitter on the linger with orange flavor to boot. The flavor profile is very similar to Heady Topper and Ghandi Bot, just "duller" and lacking any real bitter bite. 4/5
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied and on the higher end of carbonation. Juicy mouthfeel. 4/5
Overall: A solid, but nothing spectacular DIPA. I have had fresher batches since the original review, and although the nose is always great, the taste lacks the punch I prefer in an IPA.
Recommendation: Worth drinking, but overhyped.
Cost: $8 for a 22 oz bottle.
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