Reviewing the incredibly rare and highly sought after Bourbon Barrel Aged Vanilla Bean Dark Lord Imperial Stout from Three Floyds Brewing Company. This is bottle number 500 out of 934.
Score: 100
2012 vintage bottle from the April 28, 2012 Dark Lord Day release. Served in a Surly Darkness snifter and enjoyed on 05/11/12.
Appearance: Pours a jet black color that is completely opaque save for a thin film of brown atop the glass when held up to light. Half a finger of creamy dark mocha/milk chocolate colored head at pour settles into a ring around the glass. Average lacing, but awesome retention and cling. 5/5
Smell: Rich and sugary vanilla and bourbon-y molasses. Lots of sweet raisin, brown sugar and creamy milk chocolate. Dark fruit and a little caramel. A little wood too. No booziness whatsoever despite 13% ABV. 5/5
Mouthfeel: Full-medium bodied, no carbonation. Syrupy mouthfeel. Sugary sweet finish. Not overly heavy, which works perfectly with the flavor profile. 5/5
Overall: This beer is decadent. Rich and delicious, this is the ultimate definition of digestif. This beer was a little hard to finish by myself at 13% ABV given the level of sweetness (it is not diabetes-inducing like the regular Dark Lord), but that is why I enjoyed this one with a few friends. This is truly one of the most tasty beers made, and it's completely on par with how Bourbon County Vanilla is currently drinking. I think I ever slightly prefer the Bourbon County Rare to this, however.
Recommendation: Seek a bottle of this out, but don't trade your rare to get it.
Pairings: Digestif. Seriously. Just enjoy this one on it's own.
Cost: $50 for a 750 ml bottle.
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