Score: 79
Unknown bottle date or batch number -- too much of the bottle stamp was rubbed off of the bottle neck. Served in a New Belgium Globe Glass and enjoyed on 01/19/12.
Appearance: Pours a dark and translucent mahogany color with a thin layer of creamy tan head that settles to a bubble ring around the glass. Poor lacing, but good retention. 3.5/5
Smell: Caramel candy, a little toffee and vanilla. Modest roasted chocolate, fig and dates. This beer has a really nice, malty-sweet aroma. No booziness. 4/5
Taste: The flavors are very muted and watered down. Strange, given the relative potency of the aroma. Malty caramel, dates and brown sugar sweetness. Mild vanilla cream soda on the back half. Very sweet and less "balanced" than the aroma leads on. No booziness, however. Sweet toffee on midpalate. Malty residual linger. 3.25/5
Mouthfeel: Medium-light bodied, low carbonation. Watery mouthfeel. Sweet and malty. 2.5/5
Overall: Has a really pleasant aroma, but the flavor is overly malty sweet.
Recommendation: Average, passable dopplebock. Worth a whirl if it's the best thing on tap.
Pairings: Tiramisu.
Cost: $9.99 for a six pack.
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