Score: 87
Two week old bottle (no bottling date, but it was sent directly from the brewery) served in a Surly Darkness snifter and enjoyed on 02/29/12. The photo to the right is from my first encounter with this beer a few months back.
Appearance: Pours a finger and a half of off-white soapy head that quickly settles into a quarter finger of head. Transparent copper colored body, average lacing. 3.5/5
Smell: Earthy citrus hops aroma. Fresh lemon rind, pine and some malted barley. Simple, yet enticing! 4/5
Taste: Bitter barley and lemony pine dominate the palate. A little bit of orange flavor too. There is a sharp and bitter hop bite that starts on midpalate and lingers. Less earthy and more piney than anticipated. Bitter hops finish, but not a ton of citrus in the back half of the beer -- at least not at first. The level of citrus grows as the beer layers on the palate. A one dimensional bitter bomb for a single IPA, but this is one that is done right. 4/5
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, medium carbonation. Oily mouthfeel, but light on the palate. Bitter finish. 3.5/5
Overall: Much better when enjoyed fresh. I still think that this one is a bit overrated (and overpriced at $15/6 pack). I would probably buy this again, however, if it was readily available and could be confirmed fresh easily.
Recommendation: Seek this one out fresh unless you hate bitter beers.
Pairings: Lemon-crusted chicken.
Cost: $5.99 for a 22 oz bottle.
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