Score: 90
I received this beer as part of a trade in early January 2012 courtesy of BeerAdvocate user LieutenantSours (thanks for the hookup!). No freshness or bottling date, which is always a dangerous proposition for IPA's. Served in a Surly Darkness snifter and enjoyed on 02/21/12.
Appearance: Pours a bright golden honey color that falls somewhere between translucent and transparent, but closer to translucent. There is some flaky sediment floating around, but not nearly as much as there was with the Alpine Nelson. Two fingers of off-white soapy head at pour settles into a thin foggy layer atop the glass. Excellent lacing (oily and frothy), excellent retention. 4.5/5
Smell: Tons of bright tropical citrus aromas here. This beer is quite odorous; I could smell it very clearly while pouring it. Fresh apricot, grapefruit, pineapple juice, and mango dominates the complex and slightly floral citrus element of the aroma. Behind the citrus is earthy "dark" pine tree smell and "sticky" pine sap resin. A little spice is mixed in there too. This one really gets my olfactory system running. 5/5
Taste: Very malty and oily hops flavor. Much maltier and more balanced than expected given the nose. Perhaps at nearly 50 days old, this one is past it's freshness prime. That would certainly explain the lack of hoppiness and bright citrus on the palate. Nonetheless, this beer is still tasty and refreshing (unlike some of the other, older IPA's that I have had). Malty orange juice, creamy pineapple, earthy pine, and mellow hoppy bitterness. Finishes and lingers with a moderately bitter "fresh pine" and flat orange citrus flavor that reminds me of a super mellow Heady Topper type flavor. The finish/linger is really interesting, but maybe I am over-thinking this one. 3.5/5
Mouthfeel: Medium-plus bodied, medium-plus carbonation. Very smooth and super oily mouthfeel. Mellow bitter finish. 4/5
Overall: A very solid tasting and excellent smelling single IPA. I will have to try and get my hands on another bottle and drink it fresher once my cellar dwindles down. I really should have consumed this one a month ago when I had the Half Acre Daly Double IPA.
Recommendation: A much more balanced IPA than most, with a robust IIPA-like aroma. Unless you are completely averse to hops, seek this one out.
Pairings: Steak served with caramelized onions.
Cost: $11.99 for a 22 oz (bomber) bottle.
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