Score: 50
No bottling date. Enjoyed 02/10/12 at The Cowbell in New Orleans. This restaurant is not exactly located in the best part of town -- it was bad enough that three different cab companies refused to send a cab driver to pick us up for whatever reason (thankfully the chef drove us back to the hotel) -- but the burgers are absolutely seeking out if you can get there and back in the middle of the day. Review is from iPhone notes.
Appearance: Pours two fingers of fluffy white frothy head. Semi transparent golden/honey orange color. Settles into a half foamy layer that then slowly recedes into thin layer. Below average soapy lacing. 3/5
Smell: Old earth, bitter hops, maltiness, stale citrus. 2/5
Taste: Stainless steel and hops. A little orange citrus and dirt/earthy hops upfront, but a strong metallic taste on the midpalate that kinda lingers in the finish overwhelms any of the other flavors in the beer, effectively wiping them away. Lingers with a bitter, slightly acidic metal flavor. Metal mellows out as the beer layers per time, turn to old, dirty oranges. No wait, I spoke to soon. As Jack Black famously remarked, "no one can destroy the metal." 1.5/5
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, medium carbonation. Oily mouthfeel. Bitter, stainless steel finish. 2/5
Overall: While the restaurant's burgers were absolutely amazing, this beer was bad enough to potentially ruin your food if you were to consume them simultaneously. Why do I get the feeling this beer was out of date? You can only blame the brewery for this since they refuse to date their bottles.
Recommendation: Avoid this one like the plague, but certainly eat at the Cowbell.
Pairings: The sink drain.
Cost: $6 for a 12 oz beer at the restaurant.
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