Score: 90
This bottle is a leftover from the late August/early September 2011 release that I recently traded for. I loved this beer when I had it back in September, but did not review it. Time has treated this one surprisingly well.
Served in a Surly Darkness snifter and enjoyed on 02/02/12.
Appearance: Pours a super murky and opaque orange/yellow color with a finger-plus of off-white sea-foam head that settles into a ring around the glass. Shelves of super sticky, frothy lacing cling to the side of the glass for what seem like forever. 4.5/5
Smell: Wow! Strong piney citrus hops here. I am shocked the hop aromas have held up so well! The nose is grapefruit, pineapple, mango, wet grass and sweet orange juice in front of a smooth malt background. Not very "fresh" smelling, but still a little zesty. Most IIPA's smell a little musty when they get old, but this one is not musty at all. 4/5
Taste: Surprisingly hoppy and less malty than expected given the age! Sweet orange, grapefruit, pineapple juice and bitter pine all upfront. Juicy malt backbone. Towards the finish, the beer's flavor approaches what is best described as hoppy tropical fruit juice from concentrate (though there is a slight drying effect in the linger). Lingers with bitter orange. Not very fresh tasting, but still pretty tasty. I am honestly shocked by how good this five month old IIPA tastes! 4/5
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, medium-plus carbonation. Very "juicy" mouthfeel. Finish is bitter, a little sweet and acidic. 4/5
Overall: I remember this being one of my favorite IIPA's when I had it fresh. Five months later, and I am shocked that this held up so well given it's heavily hopped character. It was clearly better fresh, but it is still a very solid tasting IIPA with some age on it -- something you can't say about most IIPA's. Half Acre is giving Three Floyds a good run for their money when it comes to midwest APA's, IPA's and IIPA's.
Recommendation: Unless you hate hoppy beers, seek this one out if and when Half Acre re-releases it next fall. This is one I will have to re-review fresh!
Pairings: Hamburgers.
Cost: $9.99 for a 22 oz (bomber) bottle or $21 for a growler fill.
Much better fresh, I'm betting.