Score: 87
Bottled 12/06/11. Served in a Surly Darkness snifter and enjoyed on 02/17/12.
Appearance: Pours a pitch black color. Totally opaque save for a layer of brown highlights atop the body. Poured a finger plus of creamy/foamy tan colored head that settled into a bubbly/creamy ring around the glass with a bubble tan clump in the middle. Excellent lacing. 4.5/5
Smell: Primarily roasted oats and, to a much lesser degree, bitter coffee. A little cocoa powder and roasted malt too. 4/5
Taste: Toasted oats, creamy roasted malts, bitter unsweetened chocolate and coffee. Lingering bitter oat and chocolate malt flavor. A light amount of citrus is present on the midpalate and towards the finish. 4/5
Mouthfeel: Light-medium bodied, moderate carbonation. Creamy mouthfeel. Bitter and acidic finish. 3/5
Overall: A solid "off the shelf" oatmeal stout. Not overly heavy on the palate or on ABV. A little bitter and coffee/oat-forward on the flavor, but quite drinkable thanks to a thinner body and creamy mouthfeel.
Recommendation: Unless you have some aversion to bitter beers or coffee flavors, seek this one out at your convenience.
Pairings: French toast and syrup.
Cost: $2 for a 12 oz bottle.
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