Score: 93
Bottle code "SC1210612." This bottle was shipped directly from the brewery and it arrived at my door 02/14/12. Served in a Surly Darkness snifter and enjoyed 02/14/12.
Appearance: Pours a "bright" orange-yellow color that is slightly closer to translucent than transparent with a finger and a half of soapy white head that settles into a thin film atop the glass and ring around the glass. Above average amounts of lacing cling to the sides of the glass. 4.5/5
Smell: Strong doses of fresh piney hops and "bright" citrus aromas. Lemons, grapefruit and pineapple. Sweet orange juice/pineapple juice backbone. Subtle amounts of dank resin mixed with a like amount of "fresh grass clippings" aroma. Quite the pleasant contrast to the hopless orange malt aroma of the stale Sculpin I had. 4/5
Taste: Strongly bitter and piney hops upfront, mellowed out by smooth, slightly sweet citrus on the back end. Midpalate is loaded with citrus flavors -- tangerine, lemon, grapefruit and come to mind here. A sweet and juicy citrus malt backbone really balances out the bitterness. Detecting a subtle hint of hefeweizen-like yeastiness on the midpalate too. Finishes with a smooth bitterness. Surprisingly bold flavors and a good amount of hoppiness for a single IPA. 4.5/5
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, medium carbonation. Slightly oily mouthfeel. Incredibly drinkable and refreshing. Smooth, slightly bitter finish with a mild drying effect. 4/5
Overall: Now that I have had this one fresh, I can see what all the hype is about. The flavors are pretty bold for a single IPA. Quite refreshing and drinkable. This would certainly be a go to beer for me if it was readily available in Wisconsin or Illinois. Thank you again Earl for giving me the opportunity to have this one as fresh as possible.
Recommendation: For a single IPA this one is a bit hoppy, so hop haters and casual beer drinkers should consider themselves forewarned. Everyone else needs to seek out a fresh bottle of this stuff.
Pairings: Hamburgers.
Cost: $8.99 for a 22 oz (bomber) bottle.
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