Score: 73
01/09 vintage bottle served in a Surly Darkness snifter and enjoyed on 01/19/12. Thank you to minterro for hooking me up with this one
Appearance: Pours a translucent orange-yellow color with a half finger of foamy off-white head that settles into a bubble ring around the glass. Solid lacing for a headless IPA. 3.5/5
Smell: Sharp honey and a "quick" lemon scent (it's quickly there and gone) mixed with a "floral" aroma. A little cocoa nib and milky malt. The nose is not very bitter, but it is a little "earthy." 3.5/5
Taste: Not much flavor here. There is a malty hops and light citrus flavor upfront, but it quickly mellows into an acidic and bitter, otherwise flavorless, creamy mouthfeel. A little stainless steel sweetness towards the "finish." At least it's drinkable. 2.5/5
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, medium-minus carbonation. Creamy mouthfeel. Bitter finish. 4/5
Overall: The mouthfeel is solid, but the rest of the beer falls far below expectations. This is the second disappointing beer that I have had from Short's in the past 10 days. Hopefully the Uber Goober Oatmeal Stout that I have in the fridge drinks better. I am glad I tried it, however.
Recommendation: This is an OK, but skip-able IPA.
Pairings: Greek-style french fries.
Cost: $8.99 for a six pack.
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