Reviewing the Fleur from Goose Island Brewing Company. Since Goose Island decided to retire this one, and I've never had it before, I felt it essential to review.
Score: 80
04/08/11 vintage bottle served in a Goose Island 312 glass and enjoyed during the wee hours of 02/03/12.
Appearance: Pours a translucent amber yellow color with two-plus fingers of Styrofoamy white colored head that slowly recedes into a half-finger layer of creamy white head. Slightly below average lacing for the style. 3.5/5
Smell: Effervescent granny smith apples and white grape aroma. A little "earthy funk." Lightly "malted" strawberries and raspberries in the nose too. Hints of "tart" fruit mixed throughout. A not overly complex, but a very pleasant nose. 4/5
Taste: The flavor is much more tart than the aroma. Wild berries and funky apples. Imagine how dandelion smells, convert that into a flavor and sour it slightly. Hints of "Brett" throughout. There's some of that present too. There's a slight metal-like funk in the finish/linger too, and it's really bothering me. This is essentially a tart Belgian-style beer. 3/5
Mouthfeel: Medium-light bodied, high-medium carbonation. Slight drying effect, a little tart. 4/5
Overall: An interesting twist on the Belgian style, but I am not a fan of sour beers. This is less a Belgian pale ale than a Belgian-style sour. Maybe this beer is just "not my thing," but I was not impressed. This is not a Goose Island beer I will miss. Their Oatmeal Stout and original Imperial IPA beers, though, are an entirely different story.
Recommendation: If you like Belgians and sours, seek this one out. Otherwise, don't fret it.
Pairings: Something sweet, floury and tangy -- maybe a strawberry frosted pound cake?
Cost: $7.99 for a 22 oz (bomber) bottle.
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