Score: 83
2009 vintage bottle served in a tulip-snifter hybrid glass. Forgot to snap a pic, so I'm borrow the brilliantly framed one you see on the right.
Appearance: Pours a translucent orange-red color with minimal head and lacing. 3.5/5
Smell: Maple syrup and bourbon. Brown sugar and red grapes. Some sweet booze. A little yeasty banana. Creamy vanilla. 4/5
Taste: Very sweet. Red grapes and brown sugar on the mid-palate. Lots of bourbon and maple syrup throughout. A little banana bread, vanilla and oak too. Finish is straight bourbon. The beer is still quite hot. 3.5/5
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, light carbonation. Finishes very sweet. 3.5/5
Overall: A pretty solid barleywine. The maple aging makes it very unique and enhances the sweetness of the beer a lot. Still very hot, though. I'd be interested to see how this one tastes with a few more years of age on it.
Recommendation: Beer geeks should seek this one out, but age it for a couple more years before cracking it open. Casual beer drinkers will probably not enjoy this one. This one has a lot of potential if it mellows out.
Pairings: I was baffled by this one. I thought S'mores might work well. One website suggests: "Vanilla Ice Cream, Fresh Sliced Strawberries, Pretzel Crumbles, Honey & Strawberry Balsamic Vinegar drizzle."
Cost: $5.99 for a single 12 oz bottle or $22.99 for a four pack.
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