Score: 82
Appearance: Pours a totally opaque black color with a thin tan/mocha colored creamy head that settles into a thin ring around the glass. 4/5
Smell: Yeast and semi-sweet chocolate up front. A little clove. Some banana and light raw coffee beans. A little booziness. 4/5
Taste: Cloves and creamy chocolate. "Interesting" yeast twist. Some burnt wood, dry dark fruit. Finishes a little sweet, with plum and fig. Not very complex, and a little unbalanced with the yeast characteristics. 3/5
Mouthfeel: Medium, maybe medium-light, bodied and creamy with light carbonation. Finishes dry and slightly sweet. 3.5/5
Overall: A solid, interesting twist on the Russian Imperial Stout, but not for the better in my opinion. Of the various permutations of the Great Divide Yeti that I have had to date, this is easily the weakest.
Recommendation: Worth trying. Not too offensive or strong for casual beer drinkers. Beer geeks can find admirable qualities here.
Pairings: Grilled beef. Maybe a steak burrito.
Cost: $11.99 for a 22 oz (bomber) bottle.
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