Sunday, December 11, 2011

Beer Review: Unplugged Imperial Weizen

Reviewing the Unplugged Imperial Weizen from New Glarus Brewing Company.
Score: 86

2011 bottle poured in a 312 glass (no, the picture is not mine).

Appearance: Pours a hazy, golden yellow-orange color with three fingers of soapy head that settled pretty quickly into a ring around the glass and bubbly clumping in the middle. Excellent lacing. Foam returns when you swirl. 4.5/5

Smell: Bananas, oranges and Belgium yeast. Some light spices, cinnamon, plum, wheat and grainy. Sugary apple juice. Lightly toasted bread, touches of orange peel. 4/5

Taste: Bananas, Belgium yeast, cloves, cinnamon and pepper hit upfront. Very sweet, sugary apples on the mid-palate. Quite juicy. Finish is Unibroue Ephemere-like, but mixed with bananas. 3.5/5

Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, slightly spritzy medium-high carbonated. Not crisp, because of the sugary linger, but very palate cleansing otherwise. Finishes dry, sweet and slightly sticky. 3.5/5

Overall: A solid Weizenbock, but nothing standout. Incredibly drinkable, and enjoyable, but a bit too sugary for my tastes. I'd absolutely try another. Oh wait, I have three! New Glarus Unpluggeds are definitely where it's at.

Recommendation: A brilliant craft beer for casual beer drinkers. Weizenbocks are what got me into craft beer. Beer geeks should also try this one, but by the single and not the four pack.

Pairings: Pumpkin pie.

Cost: $10.99 for a four pack (add a few extra dollars if you bought it at the gas station).

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