Score: 91
2011 bottle served in a over-sized wine goblet.
Appearance: Pours a deep, opaque brown with one finger of tan bubbly head that settles into a creamy-looking tan ring that sticks to the outer rim of the glass. Above average lacing. 4.5/5
Smell: Piney, resiny hop bitterness hits up front. Some spices. Espresso beans and unsweetened chocolate. 4/5
Taste: Like the aroma, a piney hop resin flavor hits heavy first. Some light sweet-citrus on the mid-palate, very IPA-like in the front of the flavor. Roasted coffee beans then take over. Bittersweet chocolate and faint smokiness on the mid-palate. As the beer layers, Christmas spices gradually come through. Finish is bitter coffee. 4.5/5
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, oily mouthfeel. Minimal carbonation. Finish is bitter and slightly acidic. 3.5/5
Overall: With its IPA/APA qualities, Alpha Klaus is one of the more unique porters that I have ever had the pleasure to try. Three Floyds' signature hoppiness adds an extra layer of complexity to a delicious brew.
Recommendation: This is a must-try porter for all beer drinkers. I brought a bottle of this to a party the other night, and it was a universal hit.
Pairings: Apple pie with vanilla bean ice cream.
Cost: $9.99 for a 22 oz (bomber) bottle.
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