Monday, December 5, 2011

Beer Review: Great Dane IPA

Reviewing the Great Dane IPA from the Downtown location of the Great Dane Pub And Brewing Company.
Score: 70

Appearance: Pours a transparent-ish copper penny color with one finger of creamy cream colored head. Excellent lacing. The transparency of the beer is a bit strange, but different is never per se bad. 4/5

Smell: Fresh lemons and piney citrus aroma. Not overly complex, but very inviting. 4/5

Taste: Lemon-citrus upfront. Lots of piney hop resin bitterness on the mid-palate. A little earthy. A heavy metallic finish, however, absolutely kills the flavor of this beer and leaves you cringing -- ruining an otherwise decent IPA (probably would have scored an 87 if not for the finish). 1.5/5

Mouthfeel: Oily mouthfeel, medium-light bodied. High carbonation, bitter finish. The carbonation overwhelms the palate by overemphasizing the metallic finish. 2.5/5

Overall: A pretty solid IPA that was absolutely ruined by a horrible metallic finish. Perhaps it was just a bad tap line or bad batch. Most of the Great Dane's beer is pretty good (I love their Imperial IPA). All I know is that I will never order this beer again.

Recommendation: Avoid this beer. I frankly couldn't (and didn't) finish it. The relatively high rating (70) solely reflect the other appealing characteristics of the beer.

Pairings: Great Dane Pub Burger (eating food masked some of the metallic finish)

Cost: $3.50 for a 12 oz pour, $5 for a 20 oz pint.

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