Score: 82
Appearance: Pours a translucent golden copper color with a finger of foamy head that settles into a foamy ring around the glass and clump in the middle. Average lacing. 3.5/5
Smell: Earthy pine resin. Slight spiced hop aroma. Faint citrus and a little maltiness. 3.5/5
Taste: Extremely earthy hop flavor in front and finish. Very bitter. Peppery spice on the midpalate. Alcohol warmth on the mid-palate as the beer layers. Very subtle notes of stainless steel sweetness at points. Finish is dry, bitter and a little sour. The bitterness in the finish really lingers. 3.5/5
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, slightly under-carbonated. Dry, bitter finish. 2.5/5
Overall: A very extreme, one-dimensional imperial IPA. It's not bad, but it is very unbalanced and quite bitter. IPA Maxiumus lacks most of the sweetness and citrus flavors of most IPAs. I love my hops, so I certainly enjoyed this one, but I could see others regretting the fact that they have five more bottles in their six pack.
Recommendation: Beer geeks should enjoy this one, but casual beer drinkers should avoid.
Pairings: Pho (it's a basil-forward Vietnamese "meat soup").
Cost: $9.49 for a six pack.
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