Score: 77
2011 vintage bomber bottle shared, poured in a wine goblet.
Aroma: Pours a hazy golden yellow with a finger and a half of bubbly head that settles into a very thin layer. 2.5/5
Smell: White grape sweetness, a little tannic-acid and pinot grigio white wine. Apples and some banana-wheat yeastiness -- reminds me a lot of Ephemere from Unibroue. 3.5/5
Taste: Spiced banana bread upfront. A little tart white wine grape on the mid-palate. Sweet-and-sour. Crisp, acidic grape sweetness finish 3.5/5
Mouthfeel: Light bodied, high-medium carbonation. Very fizzy mouthfeel. Finish is sweet/sour. 3/5
Overall: A very non-offensive beer that is nothing special.
Recommendation: Casual beer drinkers may enjoy the fizzy flavors, while more experienced beer drinkers can find more complex brews within the style.
Pairings: Salad.
Cost: $8.99 for a 22 oz (bomber) bottle.
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