Score: 90
2011 bottle served in Sam Adams glass.
Appearance: A very hazy yellow-orange with a cloud of sediment. I presume that this one is bottle conditioned. Looks like orange juice with pulp (albeit with a different color). Pours a 1/2 finger head that subsides into a thin foamy lace. 4/5
Smell: Has a very dank, earthy grass and resin aroma mixed with sweet oranges. 3.5/5
Taste: Very sweet-citrus and orange zest flavor with a pinpoint, crisp bitterness at the end. A little sweet on the mid-palate, but that sweetness goes pretty dry in the finish. Piney-bitterness comes out at the end and discreetly lingers in the finish. 4.5/5
Mouthfeel: Light-medium body with medium carbonation. Semi-dry, bitter finish. 4/5
Overall: A very drinkable imperial IPA. The alcohol presence (9.6% ABV) definitely does not show. Not the best of it's style, but certainly one I would order again!
Recommendation: Beer geeks should thoroughly enjoy this one, while it may prove to be a little unbalanced in the bitterness department for casual beer drinkers. Hop heads should seek this one out.
Pairings: Hamburgers.
Cost: $10.99 for a four pack.
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