Score: 64
No date information on the bottle. Received as part of my n00b BIF box last week (I wanna say January 19). Enjoyed 01/26/12 out of a Surly Darkness snifter glass.
Appearance: Pours a pale, translucent straw yellow color with a finger of soapy white head that settles into a thin coating atop the glass. Solid lacing. 3/5
Smell: Sweet orange citrus, some malted barley, some creamy malt and a little lemon. Hints of pepper and yeast. Smells more like a pilsner than a pale ale. 3.5/5
Taste: Taste is a lot "grainier" than the aroma, tastes a little flat and watery. Lots of malted barley on the midpalate and in the finish. Light flavors of lemon-water in the mix too. Not getting a lot of citrus. Finish is very slightly bitter. No real flavor here. 2.5/5
Mouthfeel: Light bodied, light carbonation. Very watery mouthfeel with an ever slightly bitter finish. 1/5
Overall: Probably past its prime -- breweries REALLY need to date their bottles -- and flavorless.
Recommendation: Skip this one.
Pairings: Lemon-crusted chicken.
Cost: $5.99 for a 22 oz (bomber) bottle.
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