Score: 97
Red waxed 2011 vintage bottle served in a Surly Darkness snifter and enjoyed on 01/19/12.
Appearance: Pours a deep brown color with caramel highlights at the top of the glass. One finger of frothy off white/cream colored head that settles into a ring around the glass. Light lacing -- leaves behind some oily brown residue on the side of the glass that slowly drips back down -- but that is to be expected from a 15.5% ABV beer. 4/5
Smell: There's a ton going on in the aroma. From the first pull I get tiramissu, vanilla and brown sugar. There's definitely some molasses in there too. I cannot put my finger on exactly what type, but there's a distinct type of cake aroma here. I wish I could pin down which cake I'm thinking of. Further whiffs reveal raisin/dark fruit and some chocolate. There's a smooth leathery bourbon aroma in there too, but no real "alcohol" booziness in the nose, which is surprising because this one is a 15.5% ABV beer. 4.5/5
Taste: Wow. The flavor to this is divine. Upfront I get some vanilla flavored cake of sorts with alcohol warming, but no alcohol flavor/bite. There's some brown sugar and molasses here, as well as bourbon soaked raisins. Lots of sweet malty flavors present, but this beer is not overly sweet -- it is very smooth, balanced and complex. There are some other dark fruit flavors and some chocolate in the background as well. Lots of creamy vanilla. Lingering finish of bourbon and dark fruit. I cannot get over how smooth the bourbon flavors in this beer are. They are very mellow (rather than aggressive) and "palate soaking" at the same time. There is no "boozy sting" to the flavor at any point. I'm surprised so much alcohol can be so well hidden. 5/5
Mouthfeel: High-medium bodied, no carbonation. Mouthfeel is viscous, sticky and a little chewy. Finish is sweet. 4.5/5
Overall: An excellent blended beer -- probably the best blended beer that I have ever had.
Recommendation: Everyone needs to seek this one out.
Pairings: Digestif. Could go great with some buttery nuts like cashews or peanuts or almonds.
Cost: $35 for a 750 ml bottle.
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