Score: 97
Bottled 11/22/11, served in a St. Bernardus Watou snifter glass, and enjoyed 01/10/12.
Appearance: Blind Pig pours a "bright" and transparent orange color that is lighter than Pliny, if memory serves, with one finger of foamy white head that quickly settles into a ring around the glass. Excellent lacing. 5/5
Smell: Oranges, lemon, grapefruit, and other tropical citrus flavors. There is a strong grainy malt character in the aroma that comes off as creamy, sweet and smooth. Lots of pine and freshly cut grass hoppiness characters too. 4.5/5
Taste: Bright grapefruit, oranges and acidic citrus mixed with piney hops bitterness. Smooth grainy malt flavor builds on the mid-palate and in the finish as the beer layers. A high amount of prickly carbonation makes the bitterness really "pop" on the tongue. Finish is piney, hoppy, and quite bitter with a lingering citrus sweetness. Honestly, this one is on par with Pliny in my book. 5/5
Mouthfeel: My first impression is that this beer is a little lighter and has much more carbonation than Pliny, which is certainly not a bad thing. I tend to prefer my IPAs on the more carbonated side because it makes the hop characteristics really "pop" and "fizzle" on the tongue. Good carbonation makes a zesty IPA really come to life. Blind Pig is medium-light bodied with medium-high carbonation. Finish is bitter and dry, though not as dry as Pliny was. 4.5/5
Overall: Cheap, delicious and accessible. Russian River really knows how to brew this style of beer well.
Recommendation: An absolute must try IPA.
Pairings: Hamburgers or falafel? Could mix well with a spicy Mexican dish.
Cost: $6.99 for a 500 ml bottle
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