Score: 93
2011 vintage bottle served in a Surly Darkness snifter and enjoyed on 01/26/12. Thank you BeerAdvocate user mecherd for hooking me up with this brew!
Appearance: Pours a jet black color -- light does not cut through any part of this beer -- with a finger of foamy tan head that settles into a thin cap of head atop the beer. Excellent lacing. 4.5/5
Smell: Heavy doses of coffee, roasted oats and fresh oatmeal. Smells a lot like the Founders Breakfast Stout. Dried dark fruit, milk chocolate, roasted malts and a little hops. 5/5
Taste: Bitter espresso, dried dark fruit, roasted chocolate and cocoa throughout. The chocolate sweetness really balances out the coffee/espresso bitterness. Lingering finish of coffee breath. 4/5
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, minimal carbonation. Perhaps a little watery for the style. Very average stout mouthfeel and slightly creamy, finishes bitter but not dry. 3.5/5
Overall: An absolutely excellent oatmeal imperial stout. I wish I had easy access to this stuff. Not quite as good as Founders Breakfast Stout, but how many beers are?
Recommendation: Seek this beer out unless you absolutely can't stand coffee.
Pairings: A s'more would go great with this.
Cost: $10.99 for a four pack.
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