Score: 93
2011 vintage bottle served in a Surly Darkness snifter and enjoyed on 01/19/12.
Appearance: Root colored bodied with lots of ruby highlights throughout. Pours a half finger of off-white head that settles into a bubbly ring around the glass. Slightly above average lacing for a 12.5% ABV beer. 4/5
Smell: Sweet vanilla, brown sugar and light molasses. Lots of smooth bourbon flavors and a little butteriness in the nose as well. 4/5
Taste: Taste follows the nose. Smooth, slightly sweet bourbon. I would not call this one "bourbon-forward" only because there is no real alcohol bite or in-your-face here, unlike other barrel aged beers like Backwoods Bastard. Firestone XV is very balanced and pleasantly malty -- but not overly sweet. Marshmallow and brown sugar/molasses in the finish. Some peanut or cashew butteriness comes out in the beer as it layers. Not overly complex, but very very tasty. 4.5/5
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, minimal carbonation. Sticky mouthfeel. Finishes slightly sweet. 4.5/5
Overall: An excellent blended beer. Totally smooth and balanced. This is one to drink fresh, and I cannot imagine it getting any better with age.
Recommendation: Seek this one out.
Pairings: Duck or lamb.
Cost: $22.99
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