Score: 65
Bottled 09/04/11, served in a pint glass, and enjoyed on 01/13/12.
Appearance: Pours a dark brown/red soda color. On the more opaque side of translucent with plenty of ruby colored highlights throughout when held up to light. Poured maybe a finger of light mocha colored head that quickly settled into a thin lace of bubbly head across the top of the glass. Slightly below average lacing for a 4.0% ABV beer. 3/5
Smell: Cream soda and lots of sweet caramel malts are most apparent in the nose. Has a slight roasted chocolate malts and light vanilla aroma too. There is a definite sugariness or corn syrup "soda-like" aroma here, maybe some butterscotch. Some grainy corn too. There is also a little nuttiness and extremely faint coffee. The more I smell this, the more I come to the conclusion that the aroma is too sweet. 2/5
Taste: Tastes like it smells, but much more watered down (both in terms of taste and mouthfeel). Watery caramel malts, vanilla cream soda, and butterscotch. Nothing much else going on. Very diluted flavors. Leaves a faint caramel and even light nutty (almonds?) finish. 2/5
Mouthfeel: Incredibly light bodied with light carbonation. I did not think it was possible to brew a dark beer with a more watery consistency to Miller Lite, but here is your proof. Guinness is chewy and viscous by comparison. 1/5
Overall: When the label is the best part, and in fact the only good part, of a beer, something is wrong. This really weak porter that I would not drink ever again. It does not taste that bad, and it is certainly drinkable, but it has less alcohol content than Miller Lite and taste/smells too sugary for a porter.
Recommendation: Avoid this one.
Pairings: This one is more a palate refresher than a flavor compliment...but, uh...cookies?
Cost: $8.99 for a six pack.
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