Score: 92
No freshness date on the bottle or label. Received in a trade earlier this month with California-based BeerAdvocate user LieutenantSour.
Appearance: Pours a translucent reddish-orange color with two full fingers of foamy cream colored head that slowly settles into a thin layer atop the glass. Sticky, frothy lacing. 4.5/5
Smell: Strong aromas of pine and floral, tropical citrus. Pineapple, mango, grapefruit and mango. Some "sticky," sap-and-pollen earthiness present too. Noticeable maltiness. 4.5/5
Taste: Flavor is more malty than the aroma. The beer has a slightly sweet, malty caramel backbone. A sharply bitter citrus flavor gradually grows from the midpalate to the finish. Lingering notes of sap, pine, pineapple and tangerine in the finish. 4/5
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, medium carbonation. Mouthfeel is creamy and juicy. Finish is bitter and malty. 4/5
Overall: A simply solid single IPA. I may have sat on this one too long -- I waited 20 days between receipt and consumption -- but still enjoyed it thoroughly. Would love to try this fresh off tap.
Recommendation: Seek this one out unless you hate hops.
Pairings: Mexican food.
Cost: $7.99 for a 22 oz (bomber) bottle.
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