Score: 80
December 2011 vintage bottle served in an oversized brandy snifter and enjoyed on 01/22/12.
Appearance: Pours a dark black/brown color with a finger of tan head that settles into a thin film of head atop the glass. Pretty solid lacing. Totally opaque with light caramel/brown highlights atop the glass. 4/5
Smell: Sweet chocolate, roasted malts, and a little creamer. Loads of citrus hoppiness towards the back end of the aroma. Normally citrus would seem out of place, but Three Floyds is the champion of putting citrus and hops in every beer. 3.5/5
Taste: First impression is that this is a very milky/creamy citrus-loaded stout. I prominently detect grapefruit, pine, and orange hoppiness. Even for Three Floyds, I am surprised at how much citrus is in the flavor of this style of beer. Behind the citrus are nuances of smooth chocolate, light amounts of coffee and some roasted malts. The hops characteristics have an earthy quality to them. Tastes a lot like an over-hopped (over IPA blended) black and tan. Very un-stout like. 3/5
Mouthfeel: Medium-light bodied and on the lower end of medium carbonation. Finish is slightly bitter, citrusy and a bit savory. Mouthfeel is very milky. 2.5/5
Overall: While Black Sun Stout is not a bad beer, it is not one that I can say I really enjoyed. Innovate beers do not have to fit the style, but this honestly just tastes like a super hopped Guinness. Maybe if it was billed as a black and tan my reception of the beer would be different.
Recommendation: This is a beer you can safely skip on your beer journey, but it's certainly drinkable and not bad.
Pairings: Sea salt bagel chips.
Cost: $9.99 for a 22 oz (bomber) bottle.
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