Friday, December 23, 2011

Beer Review: 100% Bourbon Barrel Aged Cuir

Reviewing the 100% Bourbon Barrel Aged Cuir from The Bruery. A hearty thank you to BeerAdvocate user FrankenBrew for sharing this one with me!
Score: 97

2011 vintage bottle served in a CBS snifter glass.

Appearance: Cuir is a dark caramel, mostly opaque color with yellow-brown highlights at the top of the body. Pours a thin foggy layer of cream-colored head that quickly settles into a thin bubbly ring around the glass. Minimal lacing. 4/5

Smell: Oak, red grapes and maple. Bourbon and vanilla too. A little boozy. 4.5/5

Taste: Very complex and sweet, but not overly sweet. This is a very balanced brew. Brown sugar and red grape hit up front. Then lots of bourbon flavors without the alcohol bite coat the mid-palate. Yum! As the beer layers, dark fruits flavors gradually grow, with lots of fig and raisin on the mid-palate. Lots of raisin flavor! A little oaky too. The finish is bourbon without the alcohol bite, raisins and a twist of vanilla. This is absolutely one of the most delicious tasting beers that I have ever had and it is surprisingly smooth and balanced for a barrel aged beer -- especially one that is 14.5% ABV. The alcohol was apparent in the nose, but is hidden in the flavor. 5/5

Mouthfeel: Medium-plus bodied, minimal carbonation. Thick and tasty. Finishes sweet. 4.5/5

Overall: An absolutely brilliant beer -- possibly the best Old Ale that I have ever had. Cuir is a bit pricey, but it is well worth the cost.

Recommendation: Even casual beer drinkers will be able to appreciate this brew. Beer geeks need to seek this limited-release brew out and wallow in its robust complexities.

Pairings: Chocolate and caramel brownies.

Cost: $35 for a 750 ml bottle.

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