Friday, December 9, 2011

Beer Review: Centennial IPA

Reviewing the Centennial IPA from Founders Brewing Company.
Score: 91

Review from 11/17/11 notes. Bottle was dated 10/04/11, and poured in a Sam Adams glass

Appearance: Pours a finger of foamy head that settles to a half finger layer of foamy frosting. Medium amber color, translucent. 4/5

Smell: Earthy hops aroma with lots of citrus accents that are more sweet (like a tangerine or orange) than tart (like a lemon). Quite floral. Overall smells like a fresh garden filled with fruit. 4.5/5

Taste: Starts dry with a slightly citrusy-earthy bitterness, that quickly turns malty on the mid-palate. Leaves a very citrus bitter finish. In other word, malty-sweetness is bookended by dry, citrusy bitterness. The further I get down the glass, the more I appreciate the balance of sweetness and bitterness in this beer. 4/5

Mouthfeel: Medium carbonation, and more full-bodied than most IPAs. Finish is pretty dry. 4/5

Overall: One of the better year-round single IPA's on the market. Founders makes great stuff.

Recommendation: Hop heads and beer geeks should greatly enjoy this one. Centennial IPA might be a little too hop-forward for casual beer drinkers looking to try their very first IPA.

Pairings: Really kicks the spices in Thai food up a notch. Spicy Mexican food would also work.

Cost: $10.99 for a six pack.

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