Score: 90
2011 bottle poured in an oversized snifter glass. Forgot to snap a picture, so the one to the right is not mine.
Appearance: Pours a pitch black, opaque color with a half finger of coffee-mocha colored head that settles into a ring around the glass. Average lacing. 3.5/5
Smell: Vanilla and red grape sweetness at first. Some bourbon. Vanilla shortbread cookies and unsweetened chocolate. Figs, cherries and dark fruit. Black coffee and raw chocolate. 4/5
Taste: Sweet chocolate upfront with a slight hoppy bitterness. Figs, raisins and dark fruit on the mid-palate. Then I get oats. A little tobacco and hints of marshmallow as the beer layers. Raisins and bourbon in the finish. 4.5/5
Mouthfeel: Not quite full bodied, but close to it. Oily and creamy, minimal carbonation. A little alcohol warming in the slightly sweet finish. 4/5
Overall: A very solid, enjoyable brew -- one certainly worth trying. Lots of robust stout flavors and pretty balanced for a 9.4% ABV beer. Very overpriced at $18 a bottle, however.
Recommendation: An excellent Russian Imperial-style Oatmeal Stout that beer geeks should seek out at some point in their beer journey. Might be a little bourbon-forward for casual beer drinkers, however.
Pairings: Heavy, dark chocolate cake or a thick, well-aged steak.
Cost: $17.99 for a 22 oz (bomber) bottle.
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